Celebrity Charts

David Cameron and Ed Miliband


So it’s all hotting up in the run-up to the election with the outcome seemingly too close to call on which leader will be wearing the biggest smile after May 7th.  In the meantime, let’s take a quick look at the personalities behind the politicians, starting with David Cameron and Ed Miliband . . .

 David Cameron: Lots of Libra in his chart- both his Sun Sign and Rising Sign- which indicates a considerate, balanced and rather charming nature. Intelligent too. However it’s also a very keen-to-please nature with a liking for harmony and for maintaining the status quo. Someone perhaps who’s need to be popular and avoid boat-rocking might get in the way of his principles. Maybe being all things to all people is not the best quality if it’s an unflinching, tell-it-like-it-is type of politician you want to be running the country.  Yet with his Moon in self-assured, rather bossy Leo, taking charge comes as easily as breathing to him as does protecting his pride and nourishing his ego. Nonetheless it will always feel totally natural to be leading and calling the shots. In essence then, Dave’s a team player but only if he gets to be captain as well.


Ed Miliband: With his Rising Sign in sensible, straightforward Taurus and his Sun in careful, conscientious Capricorn, Earth Signs dominate and contribute to what is a mainly realistic, responsible and pragmatic nature. So much so that with Ed what you see is definitely what you get. Persistent, hard-working and mightily ambitious, he’s no mind-changer and not easily led. What he starts, he finishes, regardless of obstacles and while he may not have Dave’s polish and persuasiveness, he doesn’t have his innate superiority complex either. A could-do-better attitude fuels his drive and determination. The only thing that may sabotage Ed’s bullish resolve and fierce ambition is his Moon in the emotional and thin-skinned Sign of Cancer. Overly sensitive, he can be bruised and hurt by others, even when no hurt was intended. He’ll hide it well but Ed is basically a very hard nut with a marshmallow centre.