Celebrity Charts

David Beckham

David Beckham was born in London at 6.17am on the 2nd May 1975.

Tenacity and Perseverance

David’s Rising Sign is Taurus. Taurus is an Earth Sign so it has to do with realism, practicality and common sense. It also has to do with steadfastness and substance so underpinning his entire nature is stability, tenacity and perseverance. For David it’s not what gets started that counts, it’s what gets finished. This man has staying power in spades! Calmness too. Placid and peaceful, he came into the world with an unhurried, unruffled approach expecting life to be a fairly straightforward and uncomplicated place where what you see is what you get. Not much disturbs him, apart from uncertainty plus any threat to his financial and material security. That’s because underpinning his whole character is the need to build stability and security for himself – security of the material, physical kind. Stuff he can see and touch like property, works of art and other expensive quality goods that will potentially hold their value. Money and possessions matter a great deal to him, not just for the pleasure they bring but also because, despite his immense wealth, David harbours a great fear of financial ruin. You can be sure he’ll have a big say in what happens to his millions and that he’ll always worry about safeguarding his assets and resources irrespective of what he’s worth.

Enthusiastic Hoarder

David’s Sun Sign is Taurus too. This further emphasises those sincere and reliable traits making them very dominant in his nature. Level- headed and low-maintenance, he has fairly simple and undemanding needs. He’s a traditionalist at heart and a builder of stuff. His deepest motivation is to build material security for himself and to own things. With possessions being so dear to him, chances are he’ll love collecting stuff and will be an enthusiastic hoarder. Victoria will find it near impossible getting him to part with his precious belongings which will doubtless have been accrued from boyhood. His other main motivation is to enjoy anything and everything that pleases the senses. This man will positively salivate at the thought of good food and wine, will love wearing clothes cut beautifully from expensive fabrics and will adore being massaged with exquisitely scented oils while listening to his favourite music. ( Mmm. . . it’s a good image! ) David can luxuriate and do lazy very well! If his friends ever wonder what gift to give the man who appears to have everything and more besides, they should give him a hammock!

However, this peace-loving, easy-going and pleasant man is no pushover. Unwavering in what he wants and believes, there’s a stubborn streak in his nature that’s totally unbreakable when he chooses it to be. Good luck with that one Victoria! Also, although it takes a great deal to rile him, his anger, once triggered, is likely to be nothing short of explosive.

His Sun sits in the 12th House of his Birth Chart. This House has to do with spirituality and the need for retreat which is interesting given he’s so grounded in the real world. Who knows how this might play out in his life? Perhaps he’s a secret Bhuddist or has a plush hideaway at home where he regularly goes to enjoy some solitude and quiet contemplation. Or maybe he harbours an ambition to open a luxury yoga/healing centre with wonderfully relaxing physical and non-physical therapies to help people connect mind and body. . . .

Mightily Ambitious

David’s Moon is in Capricorn. Capricorn is a bit similar to Taurus because it’s another matter-of-fact, practical and realistic Earth Sign. Very realistic. Careful and cautious too. But Capricorn isn’t stubborn like Taurus nor is it particularly concerned with acquiring wealth. What Capricorn is all about is mastery. Mightily ambitious, the need to accomplish and achieve inhabits David’s every pore. It’s what fulfils him emotionally. Go-getting and goal-oriented (pardon the pun) winning status and climbing career ladders is a totally natural impulse. David was born to succeed. Resilient, persevering and stoical, he’s a survivor too. Trials and tribulations don’t weaken him. When the going gets tough, there’s nobody tougher! A total star at soldiering on and fighting the odds, he’s happiest when he’s wrestling success from the jaws of defeat! Responsibility fits him like a glove. That’s largely because having the Moon in this Sign means he was born into a family who placed a very high regard on being responsible and playing it by the rules. There’s something of that old Scottish Presbyterian maxim that ‘Yer no’ here tae enjoy yerself’ about the Moon in Capricorn! In other words- work before pleasure. Children with this Moon Sign usually learn to grow an old head on their young shoulders and become instinctively diligent, duty-conscious and dependable for the rest of their lives.

So self- reliance and emotional maturity are embedded in David’s DNA. And what he needs most to fulfil him emotionally is to know he’s done the job, passed the test, and achieved success – without mistakes or fuss. That’s far more important to him than any amount of adulation.

And finally, what of the characteristics he’s attracted to in a woman? Take a look at Mrs Beckham’s chart- she’s pretty well got them all! www.davidbeckham.com