Celebrity Charts

When Harry Met Meghan

Back in October we wrote about the imminent possibility of Prince Harry finding a serious new love and why.  Not long afterwards, we and the world, knew this to be true. Since then, Harry and Meghan Markle’s relationship has gone from fledgling to fully feathered and flying!

And now the question is – will they tie the knot?

If they do, Meghan won’t be the first actress to marry into royalty. American film star, Rita Hayworth was at the height of her fame when in 1948 she traveled to Cannes and was introduced to Prince Aly Khan. They married in May 1949, divorcing 4 years later. The wedding marked the first time a Hollywood actress became a Princess.

But it wasn’t to be the last. In 1956, Grace Kelly, became Princess of Monaco when she married Prince Rainier 111.

So might Miss Markle follow suit?

Let’s take a quick look at what the Birth Charts of Harry and Meghan say about their compatibility . . .

Meghan’s time of birth isn’t known yet so we don’t have her all-important Rising Sign. The Rising Sign gives crucial info when it comes to assessing the compatibility between two people. What we do know for sure is that her Sun Sign is generous, proud and noble Leo – which may prove useful if she’s to cope with the pomp and circumstance of regal living! Handy for living life under the spotlight too.  We also know that her Moon Sign is Libra and this is promising from a getting on point of view because Harry’s Venus is in Libra too.  It means he’ll be attracted (Venus) to Libran types.

And what are Libran types like? Well usually good-looking, charming and sophisticated for starters. Non-confrontational as well.  Diplomatic and keen to please, they strive to maintain balance with everything, are aware of the other point of view and are quick to support the underdog. Lovers of beauty in all its forms, they usually have an aesthetic eye and exceptionally good taste. So this is Miss Markle at her core – polished, polite and fair and never more content than when she’s in a relationship. Because that’s the thing with Moon in Libra people- they’re just not comfortable as singletons.  . .

What else can we tell from the connections between Harry and Meghan’s Charts?  There’s certainly some electric and intense contacts between them. But it’s Harry who’ll feel these the most. For example, Meghan’s Mars occupies the relationship part of Harry’s chart. For Mars read feisty, independent and full of initiative. This suggests he views her as dynamic, forthright and assertive. She may not have these characteristics prominent in her nature generally but these are the traits that Harry will see and experience when he’s with her. She’ll lead and he’ll follow. With pleasure. For now. Much later, when the romance has come down to earth to be lived mundanely as it must, he may find her bossy, impatient and argumentative. . .

Next there’s Meghan’s Pluto which smoulders powerfully and passionately beside Harry’s Venus. For Pluto read charismatic, magnetic and sexual. This contact gives Harry’s heart no option but to be pulled completely and utterly under her fiercely seductive spell.  For now. Much later though, this intense astrological contact may well stir up some other, not so attractive emotions. Jealousy for one. Possessiveness for another.

Finally, Meghan’s Uranus sits opposite Harry’s Moon in steady, stable Taurus. For Uranus, read sparky, quirky and just a bit unpredictable.  In her presence, he’ll feel not just wired but re-wired. She’ll make him feel very alive and very different to the man he was before. Their union will exhilarate and excite him. For now. Much later, that exhilaration may start to become uncomfortable and he may find it hard to relax around her.

Once Meghan’s time of birth is known and we have her Rising Sign, we’ll revisit their relationship. For now though, despite the potential negatives, there’s no doubting their attraction to each other will have been instant and all-consuming. Especially for Harry. But whether their connection has the right sort of glue for each of them to want to remain happily bonded, time will tell.

We hope so.