Celebrity Charts

When Harry Met . . . ?

Might Prince Harry meet his future bride in the next few months? We think so!

Harry’s Birth Chart shows Venus, Planet of love and relationships at 17 degrees of Libra.

Life-enhancing, lucky Jupiter has just moved into Libra and starts to influence Harry’s Venus at the end of October.  It’ll be mid-September 2017 before that influence is over.  The result is a spell of opportunities with the potential to lift his love life big-time – especially during the   ‘hot spots’ – days when Jupiter hits his Venus exactly. These are early December this year then mid-April and early August next year. One of them may well coincide with a close encounter of the marriage kind!

Jupiter has an 11 – 12 year cycle and the last time it was doing what it’s doing now was back around mid November 2004.  Chelsey Davy came into Harry’s life then. Many thought she was a serious contender. The relationship was certainly intense and long-lasting. Their Birth Charts have great connections and allegedly they’re still good friends but she seems to have permanently rejected the idea of living in a Royal fishbowl.

So . . . .   somewhere right now and not far from now, a young woman is destined to partner a Prince.

For her – and for Harry too – their meeting will be serendipity. And no coincidence whatsoever!