Celebrity Charts

Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham- read her Astrological Birth Chart and discover her true characterThis week we take a look at the Birth Chart of Victoria Beckham. Essex girl Victoria was born at 10.07 am on the 17 April 1974 in Harlow. Now 40 years old, she’s come a long way from her pouting Posh Spice days. She may still be a prize pouter, but there’s no denying she’s also a highly successful business woman and devoted mother.

What’s she really like? What’s her true nature and her deepest needs including traits she’s irresistibly drawn to in a man? Read on …

Need to Nurture

Victoria’s Rising Sign is Cancer. This is a rather shy, gentle Water Sign and means she sees life through sensitive, compassionate eyes. How she ‘feels’ about something and the mood it creates will always affect how she experiences what’s going on around her. Other parts of her Chart suggest she has an ice cool intelligence that’s totally unaffected by her heart but with Cancer Rising it’s emotion that drives her and the need for close connection that defines her. Especially connection with family. Victoria will always cherish her past and her roots and will probably be a highly sentimental soul. Somewhat needy and easily hurt, there’s a vulnerability running through her which is at odds with the spirited, assertive traits bestowed by her Aries Sun Sign. Nonetheless, she’s a big softie and underpinning her entire nature is kindness, empathy and the need to build strong emotional bonds. A need to nurture and protect also colours her character. The Sign of Cancer is the epitome of motherhood and maternal instincts.


Victoria’s Moon Sign is in Aquarius. The Moon rules feelings and emotional responses. Ironically and in stark contrast to her emotional, touchy/ feely Rising sign, an Aquarian Moon is about as unemotional as it gets! That’s because Aquarius is an Air Sign and Air Signs have to do with the head – with reason, logic and cool, dispassionate thinking. It doesn’t mean she’s cold- far from it. It just means her instinctive reactions to life are infused with a rational, objective intelligence. Also a deep sense of morality. Integrity is inextricably linked to her emotional nature giving her a strong and innate sense of right and wrong. Principled and very honest, she expects decency and sincerity from others because that’s how she deals with people herself. A true socialist, inequality offends her humanitarian heart and she’ll be a big believer in people power. Aquarius also relates to the quirky and the unusual. Being different from the norm will matter to Victoria and so will living a life less ordinary. Individuality and change excites her- in fact she needs it. Quick to see how anything can be made more modern, unorthodox and original, she’s something of an awakener and a visionary. Basically, Victoria shines at stirring change and seeing innovative and ingenious possibilities. And she’ll fight anything or anyone who tries to fence her in or quell that progressive and often rebellious spirit. She needs her personal space and independence as much as she needs oxygen. Yes there’s a side to her personality that can be unashamedly clingy and needy but she’s also very much a unique, far-sighted and creative individual.

Feisty and Forthright

Her Sun Sign is Aries which is a feisty, forthright Fire Sign. Upbeat and undaunted, she relishes a challenge and shines when initiative and leadership are called for. Often impetuous, spontaneous and impulsive, her deepest motivation is to play the pioneer. Bold and independent, she’s in her element when she’s making things happen through her endless enthusiasm, optimism and energy. So at heart, Victoria is an assertive, gutsy, go-it-alone kind of girl. These traits further emphasise her liking for independence and for doing things her own way. The Sun lies in the 10th House of her Chart and this House has to do with career, ambition and status. Even if she’d never become a Spice Girl or famous footballer’s wife, she’d have forged a successful and lucrative career for herself. Of that there is no doubt.

To sum up, this little lady is a caring, sensitive and romantic soul who is also independent, ambitious and feisty. Original and ground-breaking, she’ll always dare to be different but will never sacrifice her principles, integrity and powerful sense of decency.

And what of the traits she’s drawn to in a partner? The first clue to one characteristic Victoria will definitely be attracted to comes from the fact there are no Earth Sign Planets in her Chart. Put simply, it means she’s not good with routine or with dealing with the mundane, practicalities of life. If a particular Element (Fire, Earth, Air or Water) is totally missing from our Birth Charts, we tend to be magnetically drawn to people who have lots of it in their Charts. Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) have to do with practicality, stability and down-to-earth realism so people with many Planets in Earth Sign are particularly grounded, sensible and matter-of-fact. Not easily swayed and uncomfortable with change, there’s substance, reliability and predictability about them. David Beckham has both his Rising and Sun Sign in the steadfast, stubborn Earth Sign Taurus. Flighty and changeable he is not! Victoria’s attraction to down-to-earth types is further emphasised when we look at the Sign opposite her Rising Sign – the Descendant. The Descendant Sign in everyone’s Birth Chart has to do with relationships and describes the traits we’re irresistibly attracted to in others. Victoria’s descendant Sign is Capricorn, possibly the most ‘earthy’ of the three Earth Signs. David has his Moon in Capricorn which means dependability, strength and constancy are embedded deeply in his DNA. This man is a rock!

We’ll take a look at Mr Rock’s Birth Chart next time…   www.victoriabeckham.com