Celebrity Charts

Prince Harry Astrological Birth Chart

Prince Harry’s True Personality

Prince Harry was born on September 15th 1984 at 4.20pm and his Birth Chart shows a big emphasis in sensible, practical Earth Signs. He may sometimes act the carefree clown – which stems from a rebellious Mars in fun-loving Sagittarius – but underneath all the tomfoolery, he’s a solid, dependable and conscientious soul. And he’s nothing if not a realist.

Read what his Astrological Birth Chart reveals about Prince Harry’s true personality.


The street-wise and somewhat cautious Sign Capricorn Rises in his Chart so he was born with a pretty shrewd, careful and steady approach to life. Capricorn is a self-reliant, disciplined and rather self-contained Sign with lots of go-it-alone grit and determination. Tough, challenging situations suit him. That’s because like all Capricorn Rising people, Harry came into the world ‘hard-wired’ to view life as a series of examinations and obstacle courses. So with all that inbuilt resilience and well-honed instinct for survival, he’ll always welcome being tested at how well he can overcome difficulties.

A Hoarder

Harry’s Moon is in Taurus, a warm, welcoming and loyal Earth Sign renowned for its patience and perseverance. Also its stubbornness! But despite the dogged determination, there’s a simplicity and easiness about this very straightforward and uncomplicated sign. Never one to make a drama out of a crisis, Harry’s innate reaction to life is cool, calm and collected and he’ll stem anger as best he can. Until he can’t. Then he’ll become something of a raging bull furiously venting what’s been pent up! Basically though he’s peaceable and peace-loving, needs his home comforts and loves anything that pleases and satisfies the senses. Possessions matter to him and he’ll be extremely reluctant to throw things away. Harry’s a hoarder! Very attached to the stuff he owns, his attic is always likely to be home to a plethora of cherished belongings.

Fidgety and Slightly Anxious

Virgo of course is Harry’s Sun Sign so at heart he’s a sensible and wise soul, with a fidgety and slightly anxious disposition. While his placid Taurus Moon means he’ll certainly enjoy lazy, self-indulgent days, his Virgo traits bring a restless urge to be constantly doing stuff. Particularly useful, productive stuff. So he’s a mixture of relaxed and raring to go; laid back and busy. This hard-working industrious side plus a natural versatility means he’ll be able to turn his hand to a surprising number of practical skills. And because he has a natural attraction for knowing how things work, he’ll enjoy any sort of fix-it role.  Quite the planner, he’ll value preparation, analysis and attention to detail. It’s just possible he may never have heard of the humble spread sheet but being Virgo, he probably has – and being Virgo he probably rates them highly!

Red Hair

Finally, there’s no doubting that the Virgo part of his character – plus his red hair – have been inherited from the male Spencer side of the family.  Diana’s father, Johnnie, 8th Earl Spencer had his Moon in Virgo and her brother Charles, the current 9th Earl Spencer does too.  So Harry’s maternal Grandfather and his Uncle Charles share seriously entrenched Virgo traits.

And who knows – perhaps this man – Harry’s distant ancestor, the gloriously flame-haired George John Spencer, the 2nd Earl Spencer (1758 – 1834) had Virgo prominent in his birth chart too!