Celebrity Charts

Kate Middleton

Kate Middleton was born on January 9th 1982 at 11.33 pm in Reading.

Diplomatic and Non-confrontational

Kate’s Rising Sign is Libra so she was born to meet the world with an engaging warmth, a winning smile and a deep desire to please. Libra Rising people just can’t help being very, very ‘nice’. Sounds a bit dullsville maybe but they can’t help it. There’s too much at stake otherwise- like having to deal with the horrible prospect of upsetting others. Or worse, the even more horrible prospect of an ARGUMENT. God forbid! Far gentler on the soul to be diplomatic, decent and downright agreeable.  So with Libra Rising, Kate’s entire nature is coloured by consideration, charm and compromise. Plus a powerful sense of decency and fair play. And what’s not to like about that? It means she’s unselfish, undemanding and genuinely focused on others. Libran qualities are lovely. But they can be less than forthright too.  The truth can upset and unsettle people so Kate will be skilled at avoiding confrontation using tact, politeness and suave social skills. Brilliant at pouring oil over troubled water, she’s a great peacemaker and a total star at resolving differences.

Artistic Flair

With Libra Rising, an appreciation of all things beautiful and artistic underpins Kate’s nature too so it’s little surprise she displays such flair, elegance and finesse. Small surprise too that she chose to pursue a degree in Art History at University. Or that’s she’s a keen and gifted photographer. You just need to see the gorgeous pictures she captured of George and Charlotte to know that she has an eye for beauty, balance and harmony.  And these traits have been passed on to her little girl who was born with her Moon in Libra. (When you look at and compare the Birth Charts of parents with those of their children, you view genetics at work because you see very clearly which characteristics have been inherited from which parent (or Grandparent) and to which child. For example, while little George is a lot like his parents, he’s inherited a big chunk of his character from his Granddad, Charles. It’s AstroGenetics for want of a better word and it’s fascinating stuff. )

Steel Magnolia

Kate’s Sun Sign is Capricorn. ( AstroGenetics note – George’s Moon Sign is Capricorn)  Capricorn is a strong, solid Earth Sign. Practical too. So underneath her glamorous, gracious and rather romantic persona is someone who is very much at home in the real world. And very able to cope alone.  Libra Rising means she was born to share, but at heart she’s resilient and self- reliant. There’s a steeliness to Kate that allows her to face challenges and adversity without the support of others and without succumbing to fear or frailty. But these two facets of her nature are an uncomfortable mix. On the one hand she’s looking for partnership but on the other she’s able to sustain a relationship with nobody but herself. Kate’s Capricorn traits means she can go it alone and deep down holds no illusions that life can be the proverbial bitch – even for a privileged Royal!  So when the going gets tough – as it undoubtedly will – this steel magnolia will endure.

Aside from endurance, Capricorn is a Sign that respects tradition and convention. It’s at home with rules and regulations too. Duty, diligence and conscientiousness come easily to Kate which is probably just as well.  The current ties, expectations and conventions that currently bind her to Royalty will certainly feel less constricting as a result. That said, Kate’s Venus and Mercury sit in independent, original and free-thinking Aquarius so she definitely has it in her to be a mover and shaker. In time of course she’ll be free to blossom and exert her own unique influence, shaping the next generation of Royals.

Tricky Mix

Kate’s Moon Sign is Cancer which is an emotion-driven and receptive Water Sign. Prince William has both his Sun and Moon in this Sign so he and Kate will have an intuitive understanding of each other, especially on an emotional level. ( AstroGenetics note- Charlotte’s Rising Sign is Cancer and George has his Sun in Cancer.)

With this nurturing and sympathetic Moon Sign, Kate’s automatic reaction to things is warm, caring and kind. Empathy inhabits her every pore and she effortlessly resonates with people.  Family will mean the world to her and emotional fulfilment will come from just that- feeling emotionally connected to her nearest and dearest. Highly intuitive, the moods of others are absorbed sponge-like and she easily ‘feels’ underlying vibes and atmospheres.  Her instincts are spot on and should never be ignored because they’re a shortcut to the truth.  But this is a highly sensitive placement for the Moon and means Kate’s feelings are changeable and can be easily damaged.  In fact this part of her nature is very much at odds with her Sun in the opposing durable and resilient Sign of Capricorn. It means she’ll constantly swing between feeling quite needy and vulnerable to being strong and self-disciplined. It’s a potentially tricky mix – but only if she’s unaware of those two sides of herself.

So there you have a quick snapshot into the character of our future queen. A home-loving, compassionate and sentimental soul with great inner strength and a genuine sense of justice and fair play.  William – you picked a good ’un!