Celebrity Charts

Cheryl Cole

Cheryl Cole was born on 30th June 1983 in Newcastle at 8.30pm. What lies behind the glossy persona- what is Cheryl Cole really like? And is she likely to find the right mate?

Sagittarius Rising

Funny and Wise

Cheryl has up-beat, up-for-anything Sagittarius Rising giving her an adventurous spirit, lots of optimism and a philosophical outlook on life. Intelligent, funny and wise, she was probably born with a smile on her face, as if sensing the world would be a happy place full of exciting experiences and prospects. There’s an Explorer’s instinct underpinning her entire nature so she’ll love to constantly broaden her horizons and search out interesting and thought-provoking stuff to uncover and understand. But along with this expansive, expectant spirit, there’s restlessness too. Easy – going on the one hand, she nonetheless needs the thrill of future possibilities. This, along with the fact she has no Planets in stick-at-things Earth Signs, means the new will always stir her more than the here and now. So, she’s a free-spirited, cheerful and enthusiastic soul who values her independence a great deal.

Pisces Moon

Sensitive and Needy

Cheryl’s Moon Sign paints a very conflicting picture. Her Moon is in sensitive, impressionable and needy Pisces which basically means she’s an emotional sponge.  And like a sponge needs water, she needs to feel a deep emotional connection to something or someone because it’s this that nourishes her heart. Without it- or if the connection is threatened, she’s a truly lost and sorry soul. Incredibly attuned to the underlying moods of others, she has an almost psychic ability to instantly sense what people are feeling. So much so that often she’ll be unable to prevent herself from feeling the same way. This Moon Sign is exceptionally kind and empathic. It’s also incredibly unselfish and undefined. There are no boundaries and no limits. Instead Moon in Pisces is about going with the flow and with absorbing and morphing into whatever new situation comes along.  It’s the Moon Sign you’d associate with the poet, and the romantic who’s constantly in search of something to lift them out of the mundane into something far more magical and spiritual. Real life sucks for Cheryl!  She may have a bright, bubbly and buoyant side with a sense of humour to help lift her through tough times, but deep down she’s delicate and vulnerable.  A dreamer and an escapist too.

Sun in Cancer

Eclipsed by Partners

Cheryl’s Sun is in Cancer- which like Pisces is a Water Sign. This emphasises her sensitive, caring nature.  Home- loving and driven by emotion, her deepest motivation is to have something to nurture and protect. However, her Sun lies in the 7th House of her Chart. This House- or area of life- has to do with relationships. Having the Sun here is tricky. The Sun represents Cheryl sense of herself- who she is and what consciously motivates her. It represents identity and the uninhibited expression of that identity. So it needs to shine. But when the Sun is found in the House of Relationships its traits are usually projected onto a partner. In other words Cheryl will be irresistibly attracted to a big personality with a strong sense of themselves. Someone she can look up to and admire. And this can lead to hero worship where her partners are concerned. Until she learns to proudly express her own personality and inner self when she’s in a relationship, chances are she’ll always feel eclipsed by her partner.  And disappointed when her hero turns out to be very human indeed.